Sunday, May 31, 2015

September 1, 2008

This was the end of our time living in Utah. We moved in with my parents for a  few days.  I nursed a baby, Brian got stuff ready for the packers (can I just say that being moved is awesome especially when you don't have anything valuable and you just don't want to deal with it).  We had to get some pictures in before we left for New York.
Here is the one nap he took that whole day, babies love sleeping with Brian. He has big head pattern baldness going on here.
Here he is with his Grandpa.
Since Joshua only took the one nap that day, he crashed in the middle of the photo session. Here is Aunt Emily.

Aunt Heather
And Grandma
He then woke up and refused to sleep most of the night before we left.  I spent the night with him, so Brian could drive the next day.  Joshua was normally a really good sleeper, after he came home from the hospital I would usually get up once a night after I was asleep to feed him, and that would be it.  He was so awake, maybe he felt the vibes in the air and was anxious because he was going to be in the car for a very long time.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Barrington side Family Picture August 17, 2008

Here is the first extended family picture of the Barrington side, with Joshua in it.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

August 03, 2008 Joshua with Possum

Joshua didn't end up with very many toys as a baby, because we moved a lot, and we were poor, and I hadn't figured out consignment sales yet.  Brian's mom sent Joshua a finger puppet opossum.  We used it for a long time.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

August 03, 2008 Friends from the NICU

One of the only way we made it through the NICU time sanely was by making friends.  All of our babies were due within a few days of each other, but each came at their own earliness and with their own problems.  After we had all been home a while we got together to take pictures of all the babies together.

Joshua is on the left.  D is the little girl in the middle, and J and J are twins on the right.  Notice all the fun cords that we all got to drag around. 

Here is all of us families together.
And here is our family.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sleeping with daddy 7-19-2008

Here is Joshua and Brian sleeping together at my parent's house.  Brian loves the new babies and taking naps with them.  Joshua and Brian took many naps together at church.  Brian would go find an empty classroom and snuggle up with Joshua for a nap.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Our Friend's Baby July 17, 2008

So I recently decided I should finish working on this someday, now that Joshua is almost 7.  So most of my memories will be based off of looking at the pictures, but it is better than nothing.

My old roommate and good friend had a baby 3 or 4 days before Joshua was born.  Only her baby was due in May.  She was a trooper and came and visited me in the hospital, while I was still there even though she was still recovering from a less than easy birth.  She also came and visited Joshua in the NICU.  But not until Joshua came home could the babies meet each other.

They are both just over two months.  I like how the car seats and pacifiers accentuate the difference in size of the babies. 

Just as a side note, before they were 1 year old, Joshua actually outweighed my friend's baby girl.  He did catch up.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

First couple of days home-July 9-10, 2008

I don't remember too much about what happened that first day we got home from the hospital. I do remember I had to ride in the back seat with Joshua to make sure he didn't stop breathing or something. I was so nervous to drive alone with him for a few weeks even though Joshua never had any problems. I also remember I got a lot more sleep the next night with Joshua in another room.

The second day I do remember wondering if I was going to have to take Joshua back to the NICU. (I later learned you can't go back to the NICU, he would have gone to Pediatrics had he gone back to the hospital, but I digress). Anyway Joshua was supposed to go no longer than 4 hours without eating. He was sleeping and at 4 hours I tried to wake him up and he would not wake up. It took 30 minutes to get him to wake up. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if he didn't wake up at all.

Fortunately he did wake up but he stayed a sleepy kid.
That next day, my brother came over to visit Joshua. Poor Nathan was the only one from my family that hadn't been able to hold Joshua; Nathan had only seen Joshua once and that was through a window since Nathan was too young to go in the NICU. So he came over to spend some quality uncle/nephew bonding time.
So that was our first full day home with our baby.