Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love and Support

After Joshua was born I was amazed at the outpouring of love and support from friends and family members. My mom came and visited Joshua at the hospital several times each week. My mother in law flew in the day after he was born to see him. My sister Emily and my mom made several blankets to go over the isolette to keep out the light and to make the area seem more homey. I also recieved many emails of support from family and friends. I am going to compile them here in no particular order.

Karalee, This is Kim Wallace (Alpine Roofing Specialists) I heard about the news today and Mark e-mailed me some picts. How are the two of you doing? It looks like everything went somewhat okay, and it sounded like he is doing as good as can be expected!? I hope all is well, and I just wanted to also tell you Congratulations, let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys. Thanks, Kim P.S. He is a beautiful baby!

Congratulations, Karalee. I hope everything continues to go well for Joshua. Suzanne told me that you think he may be in the NICU until July? Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers! I love the pictures. He is absolutely precious!

Karalee, I am glad to hear that he is doing ok. What a scary thing! I am glad that there has been no complications or anything major, what a blessing! Let me know if you need anything, especially when he gets home from the hospital, if you ever want a visitor while Brian is gone, I'd be glad to come and help you out. Kristi Chase

Holy Cowl Karalee, don't you know babies are suppose to be 9 months. WOW!! You have had an experience of a life-time just with your very 1st baby. So glad that baby Braxton and Mommy (You) are doing so good. The pictures are Fabulous!!! He is so little but thank heavens for modern technology, huh!....and of course, the Power of the Priesthood!!!! Thanks for sharing everything with us!!--Melody Olsen

Aww, Karalee, he's adorable!!! Congrats! --Anna Cinsey

Karalee- Wow! What a surprise! I couldn't believe it when I read you had your baby. I'm so glad that everything is going alright. Congratulations and we'll keep little Joshua in our prayers. Holly Barlow

Oh my gosh what a surprise. I'm glad to hear he's doing so well. Keep me informed! Are you still going to have a baby shower?
Lindsey Olson

This is from Patrick's mother. Terry
Terry -
I absolutely cannot stop looking at Baby Joshua's pictures. The sight of that little guy lying there and still making it has to make you cry. I took the liberty of forwarding your note to Monty in Indiana, and to our kids, and my good friend, Peggy, who seems to spend most of her time praying.
It sounds like you and his parents went through a very traumatic time. Sarah had told us over the weekend about his premature birth, but I reallydidn't realize you were in Utah until I got the note. It is so very good for everyone that you can be there. I can't imagine the hours you have spent waiting and praying and trying to help.
Please know that Joshua Michael is being prayed for. I had mentioned at the house when Sarah was here that we would need to pray for him. The prayers will continue that he grows stronger and healthier in his little"nest" they have made for him. It sounds like you have a wonderful hospital situation and staff, which makes a big difference, not only in the care that he is apparently receiving, but in the trust you have in those caring for him. Karalee and Brian have been through a great deal,and I am praying for them too.
We are so pleased you included us in your message. When babies come,directly to a family, or babies we come to know about, it is a strong statement about God's presence, and offers everyone a chance to be moved in their hearts. Please continue to let us know how Joshua is doing.Take care of yourself as well. They are so very lucky to have you there.
God in heaven, please bless little Baby Joshua Michael. Strengthen his body, help him grow, keep him from harm and pain, protect him, nurture him. Bless his parents and those who come to his aid and comfort in these difficult days. Give them a knowledge of Your presence in their lives and his, and bestow them with strength and a strong bond to care for each other and the baby they have been blessed with. Let Joshua's life reveal Your great power and mercy.
That's my prayer for this morning.... Love, Pam

Robin is the secretary in The RS. Terry
Hi Terry
Wow, such a tiny precious baby! I am so glad that you are there withthem. I can't imagine what you are all going through - but am sure thathe has the very best doctors and care possible! I will pray for hisgrowth and strength to be more and more every day. Hopefully the timewill pass quickly and successfully, for all.
I was at a wedding just 2 weeks ago, May 2nd. The young man, the groom,was born 28 years ago, premature, weighing just 3 pounds and possibly asearly as your precious one. (The reason that I know that is because thefather talked about his son at the dinner the night before the wedding -and gave the story of his birth) He was their little miracle and is/wasperfect in every way. And that was 28 years ago, and the equipment andeverything is much more advanced now! I feel strongly that your preciousbaby,Joshua, will be perfect in every way and you will be at his weddingsome day. Sending you my love and prayers!

Thank you to everyone for your love and support. If I didn't include something that you wrote to me I appologize, it just means I was unable to find it after two years, I know I appreciated at the time.