Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blog break, because of birth of #2

I will probably be taking a break from this blog for a little while. I was hoping to finish it before Minna was born, but she came 5 weeks early, so I wasn't prepared. You can read all about Minna on my main blog,, but I learned a few things from her birth, that pertain to Joshua's infancy.

1-Developing in the womb, really is best for the baby. While this may seem like a duh, I was so amazed at how much more advanced Minna was at 35 weeks than Joshua was at 37 1/2 weeks when he went home. She could breath without any oxygen, and after the first day ate really well. So much easier so far I can only imagine what it would be like to have a term baby.

2- The reason the nurses at Joshua's birth thought I wasn't in labor is because during an abruption the uterus clamps up and doesn't release. The monitor looks for changes in the uterus, but since there isn't any change, it looks like there are no contractions. Minna's labor was a lot easier on me, I loved the breaks in between the contractions during her birth. So much easier.

3- I was talking to my dad and later Brian about how in our hospital room there were two Code Blue buttons. Both of them mentioned that there was a Code Blue alert for Joshua when he was born. I wondered how they were able to assemble all those nurses so quickly. Anyway I think that is pretty cool that he had the Code Blue Alert going throughout the whole hospital since everything turned out okay. Not everyone can say that happened to them.

That is all for now, I hope to keep working on this, but it will probably be a little while, since I have lots of other blogging to do, let alone trying to keep up with two kids and maybe sleep occasionally.