Sunday, October 11, 2009

How I know Brian is Smarter than me

After we were engaged Brian and I were called as Family History Ward Specialists. In singles wards they treat you like you are married as soon as you become engaged; there was one Sunday the bishopric had Brian and me say the opening and closing prayers in sacrament meeting. Anyway we know nothing about family history and thankfully college students are too busy to do family history and didn't ask us anything, but Brian and I thought it would be good to do something for our calling.

So we decided to take a Family History class for our religion credit that semester. I don't remember anything I learned in the class (so don't ask me any questions, because I honestly don't know), except we learned how to use some kind of software to get the names ready for the temple. I am pretty sure the software is obsolete though since I think I heard that it can be done online now, but the way we learned required us to save it to a floppy.

Anyway we took this class together and along came finals. The final was scheduled in the middle of a bunch of my other finals, so I didn't study too much, Brian probably didn't study too much either, but he did alot better on the final than I did. I wasn't too worried because I had enough points in the class to make up for the final. The teacher evidently decided that Brian was smarter than me because he gave Brian an A and me an A-. * (Brian also scored higher than me on the ACT and had one of the few majors that was harder than mine). So it is pretty obvious who is smarter.

*I was able to get my A after having an email debate with my teacher pointing out that even though I didn't get and A on the final I had an A in the class if you add up the whole semester. I am also pretty sure that this debate happened the day before I got married.

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