Monday, March 29, 2010

May 12, 2008 Brian gets to hold Joshua

The next morning I got to hold Joshua again. Both Brian's mom and my mom came. Joshua was fussier this morning and Terry suggested that I rock him. I was nervous about this because we had had nurses tell us about overstimulating the babies brains and that rocking could do that. But after a minute I tried and he settled right down. Brian read the Tawny Scrawny Lion to him, we were trying to inspire Joshua to eat a lot and fatten up like the lion in the book. If you look at Joshua now it looks like it worked. Later that afternoon or evening we came so Brian could hold Joshua. I think just Brian and I came this time. I don't know if I even stuck around the whole time, I would usually either come and help Brian get Joshua ready and then go pump, or pump and then come hang out at the end. But anyway Joshua looked so cute with his daddy. He started out in the middle of Brian's chest then slowly moved over, and then finally got comfortable, grabbed Brian's chest hair and managed to put one of his monitors on Brian so it wouldn't go off.
Look how happy Joshua looks just to be with his dad
This became our schedule for the next while, I would hold him in the morning and Brian would hold him in the evenings. We were only allowed to hold him twice a day, so Brian and I hogged all the holdings and wouldn't let anyone else hold him for a long time.

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