Like I said in the last post, my freshman roommate Lauren had come into town this weekend. That Friday night Bree and I planned a trip to a haunted house and we invited everyone in the ward that we knew. Brian was one of the people invited too. When we got to the haunted house they wouldn't let us all go through as one giant group, they broke us up into smaller groups. Brian managed to get me to be in the same group going through the haunted house. He was hoping that I would be all scared and go to him for comfort. His plan was great except that I am not incredibly jumpy all the time, and that day I needed to be with other jumpy screaming girls to be jumpy myself. But when I got put in Brian's group, all the other people in it were a bunch of guys. To make matters worse, the people working the haunted house were not very good at hiding, so I could always see them before they did anything, ruining any scare for me. Half way through I was so over being in the haunted house, and then Brian decided to try to make me jump himself, didn't work then either. It was highly disappointing for Brian.
But we did have a good time hanging out the rest of the night. Here is a picture of all of us before going in the haunted house. Brian is all cute, front and center

The next day was Saturday. Some of the people in the haunted house group convinced my apartment to go play soccer the next morning. I convinced Brian to get up early the next morning to come play too. Well Brian played really well because he played soccer growing up, and there were alot of experienced people there, so it was a good game, but it was too intense of a game for me and my roommates, so we just left. Here is a picture before we went and played.

Later that day someone gave my apartment free tickets to the football game that night. We had extras so we could invited some more people. I was pretty sure Brian liked me and I was starting to like him too, so I went over and invited him. Well he said that he couldn't because he was going to go watch the University of Tennessee game with his sister. I was so annoyed and felt like I was totally blown off. But then Brian came over and said that he would go, he was lucky that we still had the extra tickets. I don't remember anything about the game except for my roommates kept trying to push along Brian and I's budding relationship. Here is a picture from the game.

And here is a picture of Bree, Lauren, and I at the same game.

After the game we went to the Malt Shoppe and saw one of Lauren's friends who invited us to watch a movie that night. So we went and Brian went too. When we got there I sat on the floor and Brian sat on the couch. My roommates made me go sit on the couch too. I fell asleep as Brian was trying to be smooth and put his arm around me. It was uncomfortable so it woke me up, but then I snuggled next to him and slept through the rest of the movie.
Haha, oops! Sorry to have caused the momentary annoyance with the UT game. ;)