Friday, November 20, 2009

First Temple Trip

The Mount Timpanogos Temple has always seemed liked my temple. I was there for the ground breaking, the open house, and the dedication. I also did my first baptisms there, so I wanted to go through the temple to receive my endowments and be married there. I had wanted to go through the temple a few weeks before my wedding, to make the time around my wedding less stressful, but they won't let you go through more than a week before. So I ended up going through on the day I moved out of my apartment at Glenwood, and Brian had his last final for the semester that day.

Fortunately my scheduled time was late enough in the afternoon, that we were able to forget about the cares of the day and enjoy the experience. Nobody was really in town for my wedding yet so just my mom, my dad, and Brian went with me. My mom was my escort which was wonderful, and she helped me relax and be able to not try to learn everything at once and reminded me I would be back many more times. The temple was beautiful especially the celestial room, and after the endowment Brian and I were able to just sit and talk for a while. It was a wonderful experience.

Here is me and Brian afterwards.

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