Sunday, August 22, 2010


I went in for my 6-week post baby check up after Minna was born. I asked if there was a reason I haven't been able to carry a baby to term. The doctor said there was no real way to tell with me. So since the doctor is unable to tell me why I have my babies when I do, I will have to rely on my own superstitions. These are the things I think make me go into labor.

1-Complaining about the uncomfortableness of being pregnant. A couple of weeks before Joshua was born I decided that I had been a good uncomplaining pregnant lady long enough and I was starting to get uncomfortable. So I started to whine a little bit, then Joshua was born. When I was pregnant with Minna I waited quite a while to complain. I felt like I should just be grateful I was pregnant, then around 32-33 weeks I decided I was starting to get big and it was hard to sleep. Well then Minna came shortly after. Brian says the kids don't want to make me uncomfortable so when I say that I am uncomfortable they come. So if I have another baby and I am not complaining, its not because I am comfortable or loving being pregnant, I am just trying to cook the baby long enough. But once I hit 36 weeks I will whine away.

2-Ordering maternity clothes online. I can buy maternity clothes from the store just fine, but when I ordered maternity clothes when I was pregnant he was born before they were even delivered. Then I ordered some maternity clothes when I was pregnant with Minna, I got to wear each shirt one time and then she was born.

3-I will have babies around the same time my friend Bree has her babies. Joshua was born 4 days after her first, and Minna was born 3 days before her second.

So since the doctor has no idea why I have my babies when I do, I have my own superstitions, that I may worry about if we have another one.

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